Card Wallets

Quite often a new leather worker would ask “I’m new to the whole thing, what should I make first to learn some skills?”, and a bunch of people from the community would answer “A card wallet because it’s a small project and will teach you accurate templating, cutting, gluing, stitching, and edge finishing skills to name a few”. This answer would crop up so many times. I did make a card wallet as one of the first things when I did that class so many months ago, but those panels were already cut to size.

Card wallet

I decided that I wanted to make one from scratch. How convenient that one of my friends who had come to visit and check out our new house wanted one when I showed him mine. We won’t touch on the fact that he never came to pick it up, so I started using it as my EDC. Let’s just gloss over that bit.

You know what’s really great? When you’re having a chat to your dentist who happens to be incredibly friendly and interested in your hobbies, and she asks you to make her an exact same card wallet. I got the chance to tweak my design a little when I made hers.

Build album for the first one here, and the second one here.