Leather Keysmart

I bought a keysmart a long time ago, maybe when it was on Kickstarter? Anyway, it’s a really good key organiser; no jangling, and all the keys are nice and contained.

My partner’s keys, on the other hand, were on a key ring, all dangling, jangling, his USB stick on a thong getting all tangled. It was a mess.

Key organiser

It only made sense to make him something. I sketched out a few ideas, but at the end of it all I couldn’t get past the elegant solution that Keysmart had already come up with. So, yes, I blatantly traced around my own one.

At the time I was in discussions with a fellow leather worker on his dyeing techniques. He recommended cleaning the leather with rubbing alcohol prior to dyeing. I’m always up for experimenting, so I decided to make use of the swatches for this project.

Using just leather wasn’t rigid enough, so I cut up the lid of an ice cream container and sandwiched that between two layers of leather to give it some firmness.

More pictures here.