A passing comment “…perhaps you can make me a paint brush scroll…” turned into a real project. It’s a straight-forward piece, no different from a tool roll. So why was I so keen on making this? Well, because it was for my cousin, a fellow artist and all around fantastic person. She’s the sort that truly values things people have made with their hands, and I selfishly wanted a “Ra” to be part of her collection.
I made this one out of sheep leather because I wanted it to be nice and soft, floppy enough to roll up tight if she wanted to. I think the natural colour on the inside works well so that the brushes stand out a little more.
I ummed and aahed about the thread colour, wondering if I should match it to the inside natural, or the outside mahogany. I don’t completely regret my decision, but I do wish I had stitched a lot better. I learned on this project the correct way to set threads on very thin leathers like sheep and goat. I mostly got it right, but the places where I got it wrong I wish the thread were lighter to hide my unsightly mistakes. The next time I work with sheep will be better.
Build album here.