D&D Condition Rings

The world is full of people with brilliant ideas, and sometimes we are lucky to see those ideas acted on. I’ve been watching Critical Role for a while, a YouTube series about “a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sitting around and playing Dungeons and Dragons” and one of the nicest things about it is the creativity of their fan base. Often fans will send them items to use in their games. One such creation was a set of rings that showed what condition a character was under e.g. Poisoned.

Condition Rings
Condition Rings

We had been using the rings off drink bottles, and rubber bands to mark the minis to remember that there was a condition on them, but when I saw what a fan had sent to Matt Mercer for Critical Role, I knew I had to try making something like that. I got permission from the person who made the original ones, so I don’t feel too badly about blatantly copying their work.

Build album here.